75th Anniversary of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in North Star.

On Sunday, July 11, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church in Canada celebrated the 75th anniversary of its foundation. The patronal fiast of Sts. Peter and Paul was also celebrated on this day.

Bishop of Kashira Iov, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada, conducted the festal Divine service assisted by the rector of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral priest George Sergeev. The choir of “Orthodox V” directed by Andrea Zacharuk sang during the service.

After the Gospel reading Archpastor Message of Bishop Iov to parishioners of Sts peter and Paul Cathedral was read out.

After Divine liturgy Bishop Iov congratulated all numerous worshippers with the 75th jubilee. In particular, the archpastor drew attention of the believers to the strength of faith of the Holy Apostles which helped them to propagate the teaching of Christ in all parts of the world. Bishop Iov also reminded of the importance of reading the Holy Scripture for all believers so that the word of God, the words of the Holy Apostles could strengthen our faith, help overcome life difficulties.

After the Liturgy there was Moleben with blessing of holy-water. Than it was procession round the church and Panikhida for the repose founders and parishioners of the cathedral.

Then the feast went on at the joint refection which was organized by the parishioners in the open air on the territory of the church. About one hundred people took part in the feast, many of them came from different parts of Alberta.

At the end of the feast Bishop Iov presented Patriarchal certificate of merit to the parish council and parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul church and also hierarchal certificates of merit to the active members of the parish. The rector of the parish cordially thanked all those who had laboured and taken part in the preparations for and during the celebrations of the memorial date of the parish. On behalf of all parishioners he also thanked singers of the choir and the choir conductor who having covered the distance of several hundred kilometers, decorated the church service by their beautiful singing.