The official letter of bishop of Kashira Iov on the occasion of the earthquake in Japan

Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Tokyo

Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Tokyo

In the early days of Lent we all witnessed the immense human misery that came upon the inhabitants of Japan as a result of the devastating earthquake and tsunami. This dreadful force of nature resulted in terrific accidents at nuclear stations, the scale of which has yet to be evaluated by specialists, but we already know about the threat radioactive contamination can cause to not only residents of Japan, but also to the neighboring states.

Japanese bravely and selflessly make every effort to minimize the consequences of the disaster, but, as we can see, without any help they can not cope with the tragedy.

I urge you to show Christian compassion and respond to the call for help from suffering Japan where many of our brothers and sisters – priests and laity of the Japanese Autonomous Orthodox Church – live.

My appeal to you is to dedicate your deeds of charity, which we strive to perform for the salvation of our souls during Lent, to the suffering people of Japan.

I invoke God´s blessing to all of you and pray that Our Lord, looking upon our good deeds, would keep us away from disasters in good health and prosperity!

The websites of the Orthodox Church in Japan: