The 47th Convocation of the Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in Canada

On January 28, 2012, the 47th Convocation of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada was held after the Divine Liturgy in St. James Church in Mundare lead by the rector of St. Barbara Cathedral in Edmonton Father Sergey Kipriyanovich, minister of Orthodox IX Parishes Father Igor Kisil and minister of Orthodox V Parishes Father Anton Filchak.
According to the tradition the meeting began with the communal prayer and the blessing of Father Sergey Kipriyanovich. Then the acting chairman (Bill Karpo) and the recording secretaries of the meeting were elected and the agenda was approved.
After reading and approval of the minutes of the previous 46th meeting the reports were held of the administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes  and the clergy of the Patriarchal Parishes and also annual reports of the presidents of the Cathedral of St. Barbara, “Orthodox IX” and “Orthodox V” parishes. Then the financial report was held by the treasurer of the Patriarchal Parishes and the budget for 2012 was assessed.
Finally, plans of measures and new projects for the current year were considered: the development of web-site of the Patriarchal Parishes, fixing the day of service in the church of the Ukrainian village-museum (May 21, 2013, 10:00 AM), fixing the place and date of the next annual meeting (Nisku, January 12, 2013: service – 9:00, meeting – 10:30).