Service of His Grace Job bishop of Kashira on the Day of Holy Spirit.

On the day of the Holy Spirit Bishop of Kashira Iov, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Nicholas located on the territory of the museum of cultural heritage “The Ukrainian Village”.

This year the Day of the Holy Spirit has coincided with some more events: the name-day of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the Days of Slavonic written language and culture and the Day of Queen Victoria which is a day off in Canada.

The clerics of the Moscow Patriarchate archpriest Igor Kisil, priest George Sergeev and also clerics of Orthodox Church in America hegumen Philip (Speranza) and priest Basil Kolega.

After the Liturgy Bishop of Kashira Iov addressed the parishioners with speech of welcome in which he, in particular, said that “the history of the Church is continuation of the Pentecost. The Holy Spirit lives in Church,…lives in every believer”.

Then the Bishop reminded the parishioners of the importance of works of Equal to the Apostles Kirill and Methodius in the course of enlightening Slavonic people by faith in Christ. In conclusion Bishop Iov said that on that day the Russian Church celebrated name-day of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and everybody was praying that the Lord could grant His Holiness Patriarch spiritual and physical to head the Church.

After the Liturgy there was trapeze for all organized by the parishioners of the St. Barbara cathedral church. It was followed by public merry-making and the performance of amateur ensembles and dancing groups which represented the culture of folk music and dance of different regions of Ukraine.

St. Nicholas Church is attributed to St. Barbara Cathedral Church in Edmonton.