Bishop of Kashira Iov celebrated Divine Liturgy in the church of St. Apostle James in Mundare.

On February 20th, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, Bishop of Kashira Iov, Administrator of Patriarchal Parishes in Canada, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Apostle James in Mundare. Priest George Sergeev, cleric of the Patriarchal parishes assisted the Archpastor.
Before the divine service Vladyka iov blessed the wearing of sticharion to a server of the church Michael Koroluk.
In his word after dismissal prayer Vladyka reminded those present at the service of the importance of the Evangelic parable about the Prodigal Son. On the threshold of Great Lent Bishop Iov told about necessity of taking care of the Church as the house of God where we are all called to gather not to lose the opportunity of fellowship and unity with Father in Heaven.
At the end of the Divine service bishop Iov presented church awards to some parishioners for their conscientious and diligent work. Hierarchal certificates were presented to Vice-president of the Assosiation of Patriarchal parishes «Orthodox V» Jim Nemirsky, Secretary of «Orthodox V» John Tkachuk and also the choir of «Orthodox V». High Patriarchal awards were presented to the following parishioners: Order of St.Daniel of Moscow (3rd class) to Treasurer Fred Pewarchuk, order of St. Olga(3rd class)to the leader of the choir «Orthodox V» Andrea Zacharuk.
The intercourse of Bishop Iov and the parishioners went on at the trapeza where the president of the Assosiation of Patriarchal parishes «Orthodox V» Kim Lopushinsky on behalf of all parishioners heartily congratulated the eminent Archpastor with his 47th birthday.