Feast day of the Greek community in Edmonton.

On April 23, 2010 the festal service on the occasion of the patronal feast was celebrated in the Cathedral of the Great Martyr St. George the Victorious of the Constantinopolitan Patriarchate in Edmonton. The service was headed by Metropolitan of Toronto and all Canada Sotirios. Metropolitan Sotirios was assisted by Bishop of Edmonton Hilarion (the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Constantinopolitan Patriarchate) and also representatives of Antiochian, Russian, Rumanian and American Orthodox Churches in order of presbyter.  The Russian Orthodox Church was presented by the clerics of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada archpriest Sergey Kipriyanovich and priest George Sergeev. After the Liturgy Metropolitan Sotirios congratulated the clergy and believers and stressed the importance of concelebration of representatives of Local Orthodox Churches. Despite the weekday there were about 70 believers in the Cathedral. The parish feast ended with lanch where communication of the clergy and parishioners went on.