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(Русский) Последование малого повечерия Великого Понедельника для домашнего совершения

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(Русский) Об освящении верб в домашних условиях

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(Русский) Последования всенощного бдения, часов и обедницы праздника Входа Господня в Иерусалим для домашнего совершения

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Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokalamsk’s Docu-Series “Jesus Christ – Life & Teachings” to be released

An eight part series “Jesus Christ – Life & Teachings” to be released online during week of April 6, 2020. The eight part series was created by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokalamsk, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations. A new episode will be released daily in Russian on the Youtube […]

Patriarchal message to the archpastors, clergymen, monastics and laypeople of the dioceses in the territory of Russia

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia addressed with a message to the archpastors, clergymen, monastics and laypeople of the dioceses in the territory of the Russian Federation. At this difficult time, when the governmental authorities are taking all possible measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection, I call upon the […]

(Русский) Чин утрени Субботы Акафиста для домашнего чтения

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(Русский) Чин утрени четверга 5-й седмицы Великого поста «Стояние Марии Египетской» адаптирован для домашнего чтения

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(Русский) Проповедь Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла в Неделю 4-ю Великого поста, прп. Иоанна Лествичника

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His Holiness Patriarch Kirill approves texts of prayerful supplications in view of the spreading coronavirus infection

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia approved texts of prayerful supplications in view of the threat of the spreading coronavirus infection. With the blessing of His Holiness, the prayers will be lifted up during the Divine Liturgy at all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church. Earlier, at its session on March 11, […]


Dear brothers and sisters, parishioners and friends of St. Barbara’s Cathedral! Christ is in our midst! With a heavy heart and out of extreme necessity we announce that due to the tight emergency restrictions on public gatherings and to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus infection, according to the cathedral church board decision ALL services […]