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The Meeting Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Clergymen with Minister Jason Kenney

Through the organizational leadership of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (Canada) a productive meeting was held December 4th 2011 between clergymen of the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches in Canada and the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. The discussions centred around the issue of religious freedom both in Canada […]

Christmas Light Up in Lamont

On Saturday, November 26, the traditional “Lamont Light Up” in the Lamont recreation centre opened this year Christmas season. The “Orthodox V” choir conducted by Andrea Zacharuk was singing numerous Christmas carols in English and Ukrainian.  

«Orthodox V» Puschenia – 2011

On November 6, Puschenia was held in Lamont, which is a major means of fundraising for the needs of Оrthodox V Charitable Organization. The hall admitted over 400 participants, including guests from Lamont, Edmonton, Red Deer and other nearest towns. The festive supper was blessed by the rector of Orthodox V Patriarchal parishes priest Anton […]

Bishop of Kashira Iov Celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the Occasion of the Patron’s Feast in the Church of St. Apostle James in Mundare

On October 30, Bishop of Kashira Iov, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Apostle James in Mundare. Priest Anton Filchak, rector of the «Orthodox V» Patriarchal parishes, concelebrated with the archpastor. In his greeting speech after the joint liturgy bishop Iov said that this church […]

(Русский) Участие в митинге в поддержку коптских христиан в Египте

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(Русский) Приходские торжества в провинции Онтарио

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(Русский) Прощальное слово к североамериканской пастве митрополита Вениамина (Федченкова) (к 50-летию кончины)

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(Русский) Братское сослужение с клириком РПЦЗ

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(Русский) Святыни Патриарших приходов в Канаде: Икона «Спас Новгородский» (в Иоанно-Предтеченском храме на Чипман).

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(Русский) ОТЗЫВ на публикацию «Священник Игнатий Гудима (1882-1944) – страдалец за православную веру и русские идеалы на Галицкой Руси»

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