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The seventieth Sunday after Pentecost. The healing of the daughter of a Canaanite woman.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Today at the Divine Liturgy during the Gospel reading we heard about the healing of the daughter of a Canaanite woman. This small, and as it may seen unimportant episode from the earthly life of the Saviour has been imprinted […]

Archpastoral Message of His Grace Iov (Job), on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of St. Mary’s Russian – Greek Orthodox Church in Nisku, Alberta.

Very Reverend Father Igor, dear brothers and sisters: the president, parishioners and guests of our celebration! With a feeling of spiritual joy, we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of this Orthodox Church on this holy place! Orthodoxy in Canada, and the Patriarchal parish of St Mary’s Russian Orthodox Church in Nisku have a glorious history. It […]

The 100th Anniversary celebration of the foundation of St. Mary’s Church in Nisku, Alberta.

Photos and videos by rev. George Sergeev

The fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The mystery of love.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! In today’s Gospel we heard the words about mystery of love. On the eve of Christ’s suffering the high-priests, the Scribes and Pharisees, experts of the Holy Scripture come up to the lord trying to expose Him that He doesn’t […]

The fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The parable about a wedding feast

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Today’s Gospel tells us the Lord’s parable about a wedding feast. This parable is about the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a wedding which the Heavenly Father gives to his Son. And the Church is […]

(Русский) Престольный праздник в Шишковцах

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Bishop of Kashira Iov had a meeting with Bishop of the Orthodox Church of Serbia in Canada George (Dyokish).

On August 25, Administrator of Patriarchal Parishes in Canada Bishop of Kashira Iov had a meeting with Bishop of Canada George (Dyokish) in the monastery of the Lord Transfiguration of the Orthodox Church of Serbia located in the province of Ontario near Toronto. Minister of the Patriarchal Podvorye in Toronto archpriest Sergey Rasskazovsky and minister […]

Bishop of Kashira Iov took part in the celebration of patronal feast in the convent of Equal to the Apostles Cosmas Aitolos in Ontario Province.

On August 23-24, by invitation of Metropolitan Sotirios, Archbishop of Toronto, Exarch of all Canada (Patriarchate of Constantinople), Bishop of Kasira Iov, Administrator of Patriarchal Parishes in this country, took part in celebrations of patronal feast in the convent of Equal to the Apostles Cosmas Aitolos located in 80 km to the north-west of Toronto. […]

The thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Today the Holy Gospel again tells us the parable of Christ about a vineyard – the saddest and bitterest parable about cruelty of mankind. This parable is about how the Lord calls upon people, waits for their answer, sends His […]

Bishop of Kashira Iov celebrated Divine Liturgy in the church of St. Apostle James.

On August 22, Bishop of Kashira Iov, Administrator of Patriarchal Parishes in Canada, celebrated Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Apostle James located near Mundare. In his sermon Vladyka drew the attention of the worshippers to the importance of the Evangelic parable about evil vinedressers. In particular, His Grace Iov stressed the importance of […]