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The eighth Sunday after Pentecost.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! When the Savior withdrew with his disciples to a lonely place near Bethsaida, crowds of people heard of this and, leaving the towns, went after Him. Having left their everyday matters, having forgotten about meals and drinking, these people enjoyed […]

75th Anniversary of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in North Star.

On Sunday, July 11, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church in Canada celebrated the 75th anniversary of its foundation. The patronal fiast of Sts. Peter and Paul was also celebrated on this day. Bishop of Kashira Iov, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada, conducted the festal Divine service assisted by […]

Archpastor Message of the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in North Star.

Archpastor Message of the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of Sts. Peter and Paul Church of the Russian Orthodox Church in North Star. Dear brothers and sisters! I heartily congratulate all of you with the feast of Prime Apostles, Sts. Peter and Paul and 75th anniversary of the church in honor of these Saints in […]

The sixth Sunday after Pentecost. Forgiveness of sins and healing.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Today’s Gospel tells us about forgiveness of sins and healing. The Lord tells us that we are subjected to diseases and other disasters in our earthly life for our sins. A sin is a reason of bodily and mental diseases […]

Archpastoral Message on the occasion of 100 anniversary of St. Onuphrius Russian Orthodox Church in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan.

Archpastoral Message of His Grace Iov (Job), Bishop of Kashira, Administrator of the patriarchal Parishes in Canada on the occasion of 100 anniversary of St. Onuphrius Russo – Greek Orthodox Church in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan.  Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! I congratulate you on the 100th anniversary of our Patriarchal parish!  Today we have […]

100 anniversary of St. Onuphrius Russian Orthodox Church in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan

The 100th anniversary celebration of the foundation of St. Onuphrius Church in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan, took place on June  27, 2010. Considering that the parish is almost 800 km from Edmonton, and considering that there are relatively few parishioners, on this day there were gathered more than 110 believers from the provinces of Alberta, British […]

The fourth Sunday after Pentecost. The Healing of the centurion’s servant.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Today’s Gospel gives us a living example of love in the person of a pagan Roman soldier-centurion. By his position the Roman centurion was not only the master but, the owner over each Jew. But because of his love to […]

The third Sunday after Pentecost

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! “You can’t serve two masters… can’t work to God and Mammon”, says the Lord. Mammon is an idol of wealth, an idol of profit, it’s any lie leading to hypocrisy, and wickedness filling our hearts and making our mind obscure. […]

The Sunday of All Saints whose light shone forth in Russian Land.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Today we celebrate the memory of all saints in Russian land. In saints’ lives we see people of different social position, mentality and talents. But they have one common feature: it’s their tireless spiritual thirst and noble aspiration for complete […]

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