Patron Feast at St. Barbara’s Cathedral in Edmonton

On Sunday, December 11, St. Barbara’s Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Canada celebrated the patronal feast of Holy Great Martyr Barbara.

Bishop of Kashira Iov, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada, conducted the festal Divine service assisted by the rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral archpriest Sergey Kipriyanovich, archpriest Mircha Panchuk, who gave the sermon in English after the Gospel, as well as archpriest Igor Kisil, priest Anton Filchak and deacon Joseph Winnick. After the service and moleben bishop Iov congratulated everybody with the feast. He mentioned that death of saints is the triumph of faith and victory of those, who refer to them for their help. After the liturgy the parishioners and guests shared the joy of the feast during the communal lunch.

On December 12, His Beatitude Jonah, archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of the whole America and Canada with the guests, visited St. Barbara’s Cathedral to worship the relics of St. Great Martyr Barbara. After glorifying the saint the guests had a fellowship and lunch organized by the Cathedral’s sisterhood.

On December 17, on the very commemoration day of St. Barbara, His Grace Bishop of Kashira Iov and His Grace Bishop Irenee of Quebec City, Administrator of the Archdiocese of Canada, headed the festal Divine Liturgy. The rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral archpriest Sergey Kipriyanovich, clergy of the Patriarchal parishes, as well as clergy of American, Antiochian, Ukrainian Orthodox Churches concelebrated with the archpastors.

While greeting numerous worshipers, Bishop Iov told about great love of St. Barbara to Christ. “The Church compares her love to Christ with marital union. She is a wise bride of Christ and Christ is her Heavenly Groom. During her life she manifested the evangelic image of a wise virgin maid, who was ready to meet her Groom every time“. Vladyka also pointed out that Great Martyr Barbara teaches us how we should become and remain true Christians in our time.

After the Liturgy the prayer to St. Barbara was pronounced. The Rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral archpriest Sergey Kipriyanovich thanked Vladyka, the clergy, the quire and all the present for participation in the feast. He said about special patronage of St. Barbara in her church of worship through her relics.  Many years were proclaimed to Patriarch Kirill and all orthodox Christians. After veneration of Holy Barbara relics, as well as St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco relics and his belt, Bishop Irenee anointed all present parishioners.