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(Русский) Поздравления

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(Русский) Молитва перед служением Литургии

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(Русский) Молитва о Святой Руси

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All Saints (Sermon)

All Saints (Sermon) In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Dear brothers and sisters: On this Sunday I congratulate you with the Feast of the remembrance of ‘All Saints’. It is not by chance that this feast is celebrated after the Pentecost. The Holy Spirit has descended upon the […]

(Русский) Настоящий купец

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(Русский) Праздник Св. Духа

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(Русский) Праздник Пресвятой Троицы

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The Holy Spirit and dove (sermon)

The Holy Spirit and the dove (Sermon) Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the great Biblical feast of Pentecost, the Orthodox Day of the Holy Trinity, the event of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the birth of the Holy Church of Christ! As we celebrate the Descent of […]

(Русский) Дух Святой и голубь

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Consecration of the Altar Table

Consecration of the Altar Table at the Holy Ascension Russo-Orthodox Church of Skaro May 25, 2017 on the day of Holy Ascension His Grace Iov, Bishop of Kashira, led the Divine Liturgy, started with consecration of the new Altar Holy Table at the Holy Ascension Russo-Greek Catholic Orthodox Church of Skaro, donated by reader Yakim […]