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«Triumph of Orthodoxy»
«Triumph of Orthodoxy» Congratulations on the feast of Sunday of Orthodoxy and Icon Veneration! The Triumph of Orthodoxy is God’s triumph in the hearts of those who love Him, it is the glorification of Holy Martyrs and Confessors, whom defended the Church during years of persecution. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh said that the Triumph of […]
(Русский) Ревнитель русского духа
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The Church Life in Saskatchewan
The Church Life of The Sts. Peter and Paul Patriarchal Russian Orthodox Parish in Saskatchewan for 2016 The regular liturgical life of the parish. The arrangement of the regular liturgical life. The Divine Liturgy is served every Sunday, and Great and Twelve Great Feasts; a prayer service (moleben) with acafist is usually served every Thursday. […]
Meeting of St.Barbara’s Cathedral
BISHOP‘S REPORT to the Annual General Meeting of St.Barbara’s Cathedral, Edmonton. 26.02.2017. Very Reverend Father Sergiy and Deacon Andrei with families, dear President of the Cathedral Board and Parish Council Roman Lopushinsky, dear Council members, Choir members, altar assisstants, dear Brotherhood and Sisterhood members of the Cathedral, and beloved in the Lord brothers and sisters! Earlier, […]
Bishop’s Report
BISHOP’S REPORT 52 Annual Meeting Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in Canada. St.Barbara’s Cathedral 2017.02.25 Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Christ is in our midst! Glory to Jesus Christ! I greet all the participants of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada. Peace to […]
(Русский) Собрание Патриарших приходов
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(Русский) Старец-утешитель
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(Русский) Подготовка к Великому посту
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(Русский) Освящение вод р.Оттава
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