Recent Articles

Archpastoral Message on the occasion of the Patronal Feast of St. Barbara’s Cathedral in Edmonton and the 120th Anniversary of the Founding of the Parish

Archpastoral Message of His Grace  MATTHEW, Bishop of Sourozh, Temporary Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA and Canada, on the occasion of the Patronal Feast of St. Barbara’s Cathedral in Edmonton and the 120th Anniversary of the Founding of the Parish. To the Rector, clergy and parishioners of St. Barbara’s Cathedral in Edmonton […]

The clergy of the Patriarchal Parishes took part in the Patronal Feast of St Herman Cathedral of OCA

On the 13th of December, by the blessing of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, temporarily Administrator of the Patriarchal parishes in the USA and Canada, the clergy of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada took part in the Patronal Feast of St. Herman’s Cathedral on the Orthodox Church in America. The Liturgy was headed by […]

The celebration of the 25th Anniversaries of the rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral and Dean of the Patriarchal Parishes Right Reverend Igor Kisil

The Festivities dedicated to the 25th Anniversaries of the rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral and Dean of the Patriarchal Parishes Right Reverend Igor Kisil took part in St. Barbara Cathedral on Sunday 24th after Pentecost. At the Liturgy Father Igor was assisted by the Rector of the Orthodox IX Parishes, archpriest Yevgeny Protsenko; and the […]

25th Anniversaries of the rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral and Dean of the Patriarchal Parishes Right Reverend Igor Kisil

In 2022 Right Reverend Igor Kisil, the rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral, Dean of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada celebrates very remarkable anniversaries: the ordination into deaconate and priesthood, the appointment as a Parish Priest for Orthodox IX parishes, and the arrival in Canada and serving the first Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s Church in […]

Statement from the Diocese of Sourozh, Russian Orthodox Church in the UK and Ireland following the departure of Her Majesty The Queen on 8 September 2022

It is with profound sorrow that the members of the Diocese of Sourozh, Russian Orthodox Church in the UK and Ireland, Moscow Patriarchate have greeted the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen touched the lives of millions of people in this country, in the Commonwealth, and around the world by […]

2022 St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Children Bible summer camp was held by the Patriarchal Parishes in “Bar-V-Nok” campground, Pigeon Lake, AB

When you look at the photos of the faces of the children of 2019 camp, of those who happened to participate in this 2022 Orthodox Children St. Tikhon camp, you can see that they have change a lot, the kids have grown up, and you realize how much time passed since 2019. Only three years […]

For the 125th Anniversary of the first Orthodox Liturgy on the Canadian soil

Beginning of Orthodoxy in North America and first settlements of European Slavs in Canada Orthodoxy on the North American continent began in 1794 when the first Russian Orthodox missionaries landed on the Kodiak Islands on the south coast of Alaska, bringing Christianity to the Aleut and Eskimo people. In 1867, Russia sold Alaska to the […]

Belt and a particle of the relics of St. John of Shanghai at Barbara’s Cathedral

Dear brothers and sisters! On Sunday morning, June 5, a belt with a particle of the relics of St. John of Shanghai will be delivered to the Cathedral of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara. John of Shanghai is an outstanding hierarch and spiritual leader, missionary, miracle worker. He was canonized on July 2, 1994. Let […]

Traditional Celebration at St. Nicholas Church at Ukrainian Village in 2022

Christ is risen! One of the good and old traditions of Patriarchal Parishes of Russian Orthodox Church in Canada is a combination of Canadian statutory holiday – Viktoria Day, and our very revered church feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from the city of Myrr, Liscia, of Asia Minor to Barri, […]

Metropolitan Hilarion of ROCOR reposes in the Lord

+ Metropolitan Hilarion (1948 — 2022) His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, reposed in the Lord this afternoon at the age of 74, having served the Lord as a hierarch for 38 years. Fr. Victor Potapov, rector of the St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral […]