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(Русский) Завершение Страстной седмицы и Пасха Христова в Канаде.

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Orthodox V Easter Tea & Bake Sale

On April 4, 2012 a successful traditional Annual Orthodox V Bake Sale was held in Lamont Hall. This year it gathered about 160 people. All the guests had a chance to buy Easter paskas, babkas and other bakery. The visitors were served a light lunch with tea and coffee. We thank all parishioners who took […]

The Paschal Epistle of His Grace Iov, Bishop of Kashira, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada

Христос Воскресе! Christ is Risen! Χριστος Aνεστη! I sincerely greet you Reverend Fathers, and dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, with the Radiant Resurrection of Christ! The Pascha of Christ is “the Holy Day of Holy Days” (Irmos 8 of the Canon), the Holy Day above all other Holy Days, the first in order […]

(Русский) Пасхальное послание Преосвященнейшего Иова, епископа Каширского, управляющего Патриаршими приходами в Канаде

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(Русский) Ежегодное заседание Конференции православных епископов Канады

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Canadian Conference of Orthodox Bishops held a meeting in Toronto

On March 29, 2012, the Canadian Conference of Orthodox Bishops had a meeting at the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto, chaired by Metropolitan Soterios. On the agenda were the reports of the dialogue with the Catholic Bishops, pastoral, canonical and liturgical issues, a Directory of all Orthodox Canonical parishes in Canada. It was discussed the […]

(Русский) Служение Управляющего Патриаршими приходами в Калгари

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(Русский) Интриги вокруг Почаевской Лавры. Официальное обращение архиепископа Почаевского Владимира по поводу сложившейся ситуации вокруг Почаевской Лавры.

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(Русский) Праздник Торжества Православия.

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47th CONVOCATION OF THE PATRIARCHAL PARISHES OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN CANADA Report of Bishop Iov of Kashira, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada (Jan 28, 2012 at St. James Parish – Mundare)

Glory to Jesus Christ! Slava Isusu Christu! I sincerely welcome all participants of this meeting and give my archpastoral blessing for its working! Because of the celebrations honoring the second anniversary of the Enthronement of His Holiness patriarch Kyrill in Moscow, I unfortunately cannot be present at our diocesan meeting this year. I hope that […]