Service of His Grace Job bishop of Kashira on the Holy Ascension day in Skaro Parish.

On the Ascension Day the Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada Bishop of Kashira Iov celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Church of Ascension in Skaro. Before the beginning of the Liturgy Vladyka Iov was met by the president of the parish Raymond Lopushinsky and the secretary of the church parish Florence Ludwig. During the Liturgy Bishop Iov was assisted  by the rector of the parishes “Orthodox V” priest George Sergeev.

After the Liturgy Bishop Iov preached a sermon on the  Ascension of the Lord and the importance of this event in the life of each Orthodox Christian. Vladyka Iov also read out the message of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyril about awarding the president of “Orthodox V” Yakim Lopushinsky by Order of St. Daniel of Moscow, 3d Class for conscientious and diligent work for the good of the Russian Orthodox Church and on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his birthday. Then the president of the parish Raymond Lopushinsky addressed all those present with the words of gratitude to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the Supreme Authority of the Russian Orthodox Church for their attention to the parishes of the Russian Church in Canada.

The solemnity ended by festive trapeza and communication of the parishes with the clergy.