The Paschal Epistle of His Grace Iov, Bishop of Kashira, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada

Христос Воскресе!Воистину Воскресе!

Christ is Risen! –  Indeed He is Risen! (In truth He is Risen!)

Χριστος Aνεστη!

Beloved in the Lord brothers and sisters!

Today the whole Christian world celebrates the Resurrection of Christ. Today every church, every family rejoices in the Lord Jesus, Who suffered and arose from the dead for our salvation.

In this “feast of feasts” we hear the triumphant call of St. John Chrysostom which is directed toward us: “Enter all into the joy of your Lord! Rich and poor, be elated with each other. Those who have fasted and those who have not, make merry today. The communal meal is prepared, everyone rejoice. May no one leave hungry, may everyone enjoy the feast of faith, may everyone comprehend the wealth of the blessing! Partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ with faith in Holy Communion, we are convinced that the Lord is with us. He shows us the true way. Two followers from Emmaus recognized Jesus as the Mystical Traveller during the breaking of bread. Exactly so, the Lord is with us on our way during the course of the church year, especially during Passion and Bright Weeks, and explains Holy Writ to us.

At Pascha, the paschal triumph is not a triumph of solitude. Paschal joy comes to us when we pass it to others. For this reason we celebrate Pascha together. When we spread the news about the Resurrection of Christ to others, the Resurrected Christ begins to live in our hearts.

If there wasn’t a Resurrected Lord, there would be no Resurrection and we would not be who we are. There would not be Christians in the world.

In what way did Christ gain victory over this world and in what way did the Orthodox Church transform the world? In the beginning of Christianity the great and powerful Roman Empire persecuted Christians everywhere for 300 years. Christians defended themselves by prayer and faith in the victory of Christ over death and the devil. And a great miracle happened: the persecutors became Christians. We spread the news to those around us in two simple and meaningful words: “Christ is Risen!” and that after Golgotha there is always resurrection.

May the Lord, resurrected from the dead, grant all of us a great Paschal joy in this life and in blessed eternity may we follow and participate with the Saints, who glorify God!

May the joy of Christ’s Resurrection never leave our hearts.

Beloved! Christ is Risen! In truth He is Risen! And He will resurrect us through His power.

With love and esteem in the Risen Lord,

+Iov (Job) ,
Bishop of Kashira,
Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes
of the Russian Orthodox Church in Canada

Holy Pascha * April 4, 2010 *  Edmonton