The Paschal Epistle of His Grace Iov, Bishop of Kashira, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada

Christ is Risen! –  Indeed He is Risen! (In truth He is Risen!)

Χριστος Aνεστη! Христос Воскресе! Воистину Воскресе!

Beloved in the Lord brothers and sisters!

I sincerely greet you with the “Feast of Feasts” and the “Celebration of Celebrations” – with the radiant Resurrection of Christ!

Christ is Risen, so that we may never die!

The optimism of Christianity is expressed with unusual intensity in the closing words of the Symbol of Faith: “I await the resurrection of the dead and of the life to come! Amen!” The Church Slavonic word “await” means to wait with faith, to wait with effort not simply waiting passively but seriously preparing myself for the event putting effort into changing myself conscientiously knowing that our earthly life, despite everything else, is also a preparation for Eternal life, for full existence with God and in God!

Christ is Risen, and the Apostles, who on the day of Crucifixion looked like startled sheep, having been left without a Shepherd, became like regal lions. They proclaimed without fear to the Ancient World in thunderous sermons and enlightened multitudes of people.

Christ is Risen, and the martyrs in the thousands and tens of thousands began to meet death with a smile. Girls rushed under the sword more joyfully than under a bridal veil and children surpassed strong men in bravery.

Christ is Risen, and rivers of wisdom flowed from the lips of Saints and Preachers, who not long ago lived in the darkness of sin and ignorance, having cleansed themselves and having rightened and sanctified themselves in the name of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God.

In the pagan temples the fires of bloody sacrifice to the demons were extinguised and the temples were converted into the Temples of God, for Christ is Risen!

In humility and fidelity woman earned the right to be first, to her appeared the Victor of death and the devil! The master embraced the servant, the person became more significant than the state, for Christ is Risen!

Waterless deserts were settled by monastics who transformed the inner soul into a blossoming garden of good works, for Christ is Risen!

In the Old Testament Temple the screen was ripped apart from top to bottom. The Grace of God, not wanting to be the personal possession of one nation of people – thankless at that, announced itself to all people whoever loved the Resurrected Christ, Who was incarnated, crucified and Who was the Truth.

From top to bottom, the gates and walls of hell split. Multitudes of souls, as birds from underground dungeons of darkness, arose up into the Heavenly Kingdom of the Resurrected Christ, where before all others entered the wise thief who was saved by faith and cleansed through suffering.

Christians know what it means to live forever! And now there is no kind of fear of what is after death! After death is resurrection and there is “a city coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband”. After that is a voice saying: “This is a convenant of God with men and He shall dwell with them. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall shall there be anymore pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:2-5). After that, “they shall see His face and His name shall be on their foreheads” (Revelation 22:4).

May the Resurrected Christ Savior grant all of us blessed peace, spiritual joy, health, help in our victory over our passions and in all things His blessed assistance.

With the pascal greeting ” Christ is Risen – in truth Risen!” and my blessing,

+Iov (Job),

Bishop of Kashira, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in Canada

Holy Pascha * April 24, 2011 * Edmonton