The sixth Sunday after Pentecost. Forgiveness of sins and healing.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!

Today’s Gospel tells us about forgiveness of sins and healing. The Lord tells us that we are subjected to diseases and other disasters in our earthly life for our sins. A sin is a reason of bodily and mental diseases of a person. Bodily and mental diseases are natural result of sins.

What is a sin? “A sin, says the Apostle John the Theologian, – is any lawlessness. A sin is violation of life laws, personal and public life. As violation of lawfulness in the organism, any sin sow dissension into spiritual and physical nature of a person and society. Being, in essence, violation of laws in nature, a sin affects both soul and a body. Today’s Gospel testifies to it with evident clearness”.

Does a body live separately from spirit – soul of a person? No, they are inseparable. Penetrating inside a person, a sin matures in the soul and makes her sick. It leads to a disorder in the body. Which of us, having committed this or that sin, didn’t take to heart the state of darkness, mental depression? We notice that this state always accompany those who sin. This state, darkness and depression, testifies to disorder in us, to the violation of the Creator laws which are the basis of nature life; bonds connecting us with God as a source of life are broken, the door to heart through which Christ Himself comes into, in light and joy, as if is closed.

Therefore, long before the beginning of the fast during which people usually go to confession, it is so important to purify yourself of sins at once, to reconcile to God, thus restoring the inner harmony having been lost by us. Only after that you can use medicine, if there is a serious wound on your body or you are sick.

Thus, if diseases are often the result of a sin, then the healing frequently depends not only on doctors and medicine but on the faith of the sick, his repentance, his decision to improve his life. It concerns not only personal diseases but diseases of families and whole societies.

The faith opens your heart for taking in God’s power, the repentance makes a person capable to take in this power. Then our diseases will be cured by the healing arm of God about Whom the prophet Isaih said, “He took our diseases on Himself and carried them”. Amen.

By Rev.George Sergeev