The third Sunday after Pentecost

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!

“You can’t serve two masters… can’t work to God and Mammon”, says the Lord. Mammon is an idol of wealth, an idol of profit, it’s any lie leading to hypocrisy, and wickedness filling our hearts and making our mind obscure.

By his physical nature a person has not only the right but he must take care of his body and satisfy his lawful demands. However, this care mustn’t stretch beyond certain borders, give pleasure to flesh. For, as soon as a person takes care of his body, the main task of his life, he will fall in his morality to the level of an animal. But being a moral creature, as a co-worker with God, a person mustn’t be a slave to his material nature but a master. A person forgets about his duties towards himself, God, and the world. And duty and responsibility of a person consists of the development of his spiritual life, his spiritual nature. What is an obstacle to fulfil this duty towards himself?

To a large extent, lack of faith that the future of the world depends on deeds and spiritual life of each person. Then, absorbing of attention and will of a modern person by outside world, paralysing his internal life, leading to spitting of mind and heart, Sunday and everyday consciousness. By fulfilling his duty towards his spiritual nature, by deepening and strengthening his spiritual life, harmony of mind and heart is being restored, and a person is again capable of fulfilling his predestination in the world, becoming a co-worker with God.

If we want to find the Kingdom of God, let’s live in such a way that our everyday cares may occupy their proper place. We eat to live, but don’t live to eat, and let’s eat as much as we need in order to have strength to serve God and a neighbour. We dress to live, but don’t live dress, and let our clothes be comfortable, beautiful and durable but unpretentious. We rest to live, but don’t live to rest well; let our body sleep in time and wakes up to stay awake then. At last our house is given to us to live in it but not to make it an idol and devote all our strength, time and money to it.

We will give an answer to God not only for our good behaviour in the church and our morning and evening prayers but for our service to God by our deeds. Only those of us will get to the Kingdom of God who really were striving for it.

As a co-worker with God a person mustn’t use advantages of his life exclusively for his personal selfish aims, but he must always use them to serve others. And this is possible only if there is love, often selfless love to a neighbour as to yourself and to God. Love must be breath of life – personal, family and public. A person, as a co-worker with God is a moral creature, so his life as in the family, so in society, must be moral. But morality is based on religion, on living faith as on its root and base. Therefore, a person must be in constant communication with God through a prayer and good deeds being done in the name of Christ, to the glory of God. Amen.