In 2022 Right Reverend Igor Kisil, the rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral, Dean of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada celebrates very remarkable anniversaries: the ordination into deaconate and priesthood, the appointment as a Parish Priest for Orthodox IX parishes, and the arrival in Canada and serving the first Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s Church in Nisku.
25 years of his faithful missionary service in Canada!

Father Igor & Matushka Natalia after their arrival in Edmonton Int. Airport with the clergy and parishioners, December 5, 1997
Together with matushka Natalia they went through all the hardships of life in new country, that has since become their new homeland.
Organizing the parish life in nine parishes, during their very important period of celebrating 100 anniversary in most of them; travelling up to 900 km in any weather, including the harshest northern conditions; organizing children’s Orthodox Bible Camp Bar-V-Nok in 2000, and since then being the director of the camp; issuing of the Orthodox IX parishes’ bulletin (since 2004); being a good example of family life; taking the responsibility for the Church life in St. Barbara’s Cathedral (since 2018); always responding with love and care to any need of the parishioners, and uniting people; always preaching the salvific word of God – this is what we now express our heartfelt gratitude to Father Igor Kisil and his family!
We also congratulate Father Igor and Matushka Natalia with 26 years Wedding Aniversarry, wishing many more happy years to them and their sons Andrew and Alexander, under the Protecting Veil of the Holy Birth-Giver of God Mary!
May the Lord’s blessings continue to be with you and your family, and may His Word continue to move you from strength to strength, and, with your help, your faithful parishioners.
We wish you all the best and many more years of serving to come!