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Priest V.Alexandrov: Journey to Canada

V. Alexandrov. Journey to Canada: A Priest’s Diary Arrival to Canada Following the instructions of your Grace, I set out from Seattle in the morning of May 24 (in the old style) on a mission to the Northwest Territories of Canada. Due to the poor conditions of the railways in that part of the country, […]

(Русский) Первый миссионер Православия

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The Power of Holy Spirit

THE POWER OF HOLY SPIRIT In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Dear brothers and sisters! In the first chapter of the book of Acts of the Apostles saint Luke wrote the last instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ at His Ascension: «wait for the promise of the Father, […]

(Русский) Сила Духа Святого

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(Русский) Вечная Память!

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Condolences from Bishop Iov regarding the passing of Fred Pewarchuk (treasurer of Orthodox V parishes). Chipman. May 25, 2018. Honarable Fathers, rector of Orthodox V parishes Fr. Alexei! Dear Lil, sons and grandchildren, dear brothers and sisters! Today, is a day of sorrow for Patriarchal Parishes. A great toiler for Orthodoxy has departed this life; […]

(Русский) Галицкая Святыня

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(Русский) Первые Просветители

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Sermon at Ukranian Village

Sermon at Ukranian Village. May 21st 2018. Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters: Tomorrow, Russian Orthodox beleivers celebrate the amazing feast of the transfer of the Holy Relics of Saint Nicholas from the city of Myrr, Liscia, of Asia Minor to Barri, Italy. In honour of this feast, today we celebrate the Holy Liturgy in a […]

The 2018 Alberta March For Life

The 2018 Alberta March For Life The 2018 Alberta March For Life took place the afternoon of Thursday, May 10th, beginning and ending in front of the the Alberta Legislature Building. While in past years the Alberta March For Life began in Sir Winston Churchill Square and went to the Alberta Legislature before returning to […]