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(Русский) Официальная хроника пребывания епископа Антония

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100th Anniversary of St. John Parish in Vegreville

Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of St. John the Baptist Russo-Greek Orthodox Church in Vegreville, Alberta On a beautiful sunny day, Saturday, July 8th, St. John the Baptist Russo-Greek Orthodox Church of Vegreville, Alberta celebrated the 100th Anniversary of its foundation as well as its Patronal Feast. The Archpastoral Divine Liturgy and festive Moleben was […]

(Русский) Прошение канадских русинов

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(Русский) Столетие прихода в Вегривелль

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The 150th Anniversary of Canada

The 150th Anniversary of Canada On July the1st, 2017, the clergy and members of the Patriarchal Parishes for the 28th time in the history of the Cathedral of Saint Barbara celebrated Canada Day and – in this particular year – the 150th Anniversary of the country’s founding. After the full Sunday Night Vigil, which began […]

Saint John of Shanghai

Saint John of Shanghai  In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: Dear brothers and sisters. Today we remember Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco. His title reflects his first posting as a bishop in China and the last posting in the U.S. Bishop John was the holiest person […]

(Русский) 150 лет Канады

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(Русский) Поїздка до Канади

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(Русский) Святой Онуфрий Великий

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(Русский) Поздравления

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